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Knotboard Shop

EXTREME FIGURE Exhibition Grade AAA Extra Long Thuya Burl Pen Blanks 3/4 x 3/4 x 7-1/4" Penturning, Woodworking, Burl Blanks, Raw Materials

EXTREME FIGURE Exhibition Grade AAA Extra Long Thuya Burl Pen Blanks 3/4 x 3/4 x 7-1/4" Penturning, Woodworking, Burl Blanks, Raw Materials

from $12.00
Price is per blank. These are extra long AAA exhibition grade thuya burl pen blanks. They are 3/4" by 3/4" by 7-1/4" so you can get 2-3 pens from one blank. The photo represents the quality of what you will be receiving.

You may request photos of the actual blanks you will be receiving.

Thuya burl smells amazing when turned, and due to its high oil content, will take a very high polish. This beautiful burl is from Morocco and will make spectacular pens.

Blanks are misted in the photo to show their true color when finished.
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