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Our Pen Warranty

Woodnotch Pen Lifetime Warranty

Thank you for choosing a handcrafted pen from Woodnotch. We are proud of the craftsmanship and quality that go into every pen and are pleased to offer this Lifetime Warranty as part of our commitment to your satisfaction.


This warranty covers manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the original purchaser or the giftee, under normal use.

What is Covered

  • Defects in materials (e.g., pen material, metal components).

  • Faulty craftsmanship that affects the appearance or functionality of the pen.

What is not Covered

  • Normal wear and tear.

  • Damage resulting from misuse, accidents, or improper maintenance.

  • Loss of parts.

  • Ink refills or other consumables.

How to Make a Warranty Claim

If you experience an issue covered by this warranty:

  1. Contact us at with a description of the problem and proof of purchase (e.g., receipt or order number). If the pen was received as a gift, please provide the purchaser’s information (if available).

  2. We may request photos of the pen to evaluate the issue.

  3. If approved, you will receive instructions on how to return the pen.


At our discretion, we will:

  • Repair the pen free of charge.

  • Replace it with a pen of equal or greater value.

  • Issue a refund for the original purchase price if repair or replacement is not possible.


This warranty is non-transferable beyond the original purchaser or giftee. Liability is limited to the repair, replacement, or refund of the product and does not include incidental or consequential damages.

Customer Support

For assistance, please contact:

(520) 404-9684

Thank you for your trust in Woodnotch. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we hope your pen continues to bring joy for a lifetime.